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Cod Liver Oil

Dr. Mercola

Cod Liver Oil


1300 mg / 60 capsules


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Different from any other type of fish oil, cod liver oil provides a ā€œtotal package,ā€ consisting of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA, EPA, DPA as well as naturally occurring vitamins D and A and pro-resolving mediators, or PRMs, for cellular health, a balanced immune response and comfortable movement.*

OurĀ Wild Alaskan Cod Liver OilĀ provides 280 mg of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA and DPA) and 26 mcg of naturally occurring Pro-Resolving Mediators per serving in a convenient capsule form.

Compared to other cod liver oil capsules...

  • Thereā€™s no unpleasant fishy smell due to meticulous harvesting and processing methods that preserve the freshness and quality of the fish and oil.
  • All the nutrients and components are readily available for your body to absorb and put to work.
  • Harmful contaminants are not a concern because our supplier monitors levels of mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, pesticides, PCBs, dioxins and furans.
  • Our oil is sustainable and MSC Certified, so you know youā€™re doing your part to help preserve the oceans for future generations.

The cod for ourĀ Wild Alaskan Cod Liver OilĀ are line caught in the deep, cold waters of the Bering Sea, and are processed locally in Dutch Harbor, Alaska by a sustainable fishery. Cod livers are considered a waste product in the culinary fish industry, so no fish are harvested simply for their livers.

Give a welcome boost to your entire body, from head to toe, and orderĀ Wild Alaskan Cod Liver OilĀ in convenient capsules today.